Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My little escape artist

 Since Cole was born I have had him sleep in a sleep positioner at night to keep him in place. I started out with this one and then had to get one that had an incline for a while when he was tiny. Once he could get out of his swaddle, he would get himself slanted in the positioner and prop his foot up. I didn't think much about it, I just thought that it was his cute little way of sleeping.

On Monday when I went to get ready for work I found him like this in his bed ... silly boy!
It's a little blurry ... I took it with my phone.

I can not figure out how he managed to get out of that thing! I thought that I would keep putting him in it because he can't roll over yet and I am really afraid that he is going to get on his stomach and not be able to get back to his back. However, this morning I went in to check on him before I got ready for work and found him like this:

So ... I decided that I am just not going to use the sleep positioner anymore. I'm still nervous about him rolling over, but if he can get out of it then I worry that he will get it up by his face some how ... and that scares me too!

New ...

Since I am new to this whole blogging thing ... I need a little help getting a cute background. Anyone have any tips?

Why not?

So I started this blog back in November when I was 3 months pregnant. I even wrote a few posts, just never published them! I really enjoy reading other people's blogs but just didn't know whether I should have one or not! Well, I finally decided to just go ahead and do it! It probably won't be too interesting ... but oh well! I hope you enjoy!